The caller tells the victim that he or she has won a large lottery prize or a free vacation. All the victim needs to do is to pay a processing fee. The fee ranges from one to five hundred dollars. The mailing address tends to be in the ...
ken hoegger, a local real estate agent, was featured in the slide presentation and shared his experiences as a local resident. the list goes on and on, and each story was greeted with applause. all-in-all, the event was well received by ...
tábor ? pro elektrické nářadí za asi 150 tisíc korun si došel zloděj do jedné ze zámečnických dílen v obci bjedlany/b na táborsku. sebral tu vrtačky, úhlové a vibrační brusky, pily, akušroubováky, hoblíky, bourací kladiva a další ...